
Our Difference

What our programme participants are saying

Here’s what some of our programme participants are saying about their life-changing experience with Women of Worth.

“Just look at yourself, put yourself first and decide what you want. Start with small steps and just keep going, you can do it. It hasn’t been easy but I’m proof that anything is possible. What I learnt particularly with self-reflection, self-care, but more importantly self-love, has helped me to get where I am today, all thanks to Women of Worth.”
– Lily
“Women of Worth has impacted my whole life and my whole outlook on life. I have gained amazing friends from doing the course and have so much support in the hard times of life that I know I can keep on keeping on. I am using the tools I have learnt at WOW every day in life, in my studies and in my workplaces and will continue to for the rest of my life.

I recommend WOW to everyone I know, as I want every woman to feel the way I do after being on the programme. I think everyone should know their worth and the keys and tools to being a strong, confident, and happy woman.”
– Anne
“This course helped me to stand up for myself and value myself instead of being needy for love and respect from my family. This class was a weekly boost for met to survive each week during the most difficult days of my life. With the techniques and tools that I have learnt in this course, I’m ready to go back to my family and face the future in a calm and stable way with being emotionally sensitive.”
– Willow
I would like to make a shout out about the Women of Worth programme. I have been running WOW at our Teenage Parent Unit in Tawa.

Although in the early stages it is already having a positive impact on our young Women.Being young can be challenging enough in itself! Coupled with having a baby can really test your thoughts and feelings around your true WORTH!

A well planned - easy to follow curriculum with heaps of activities! Really well supported by the WOW staff -phone calls -in person visits and all the help you need to deliver the programme.

Engaged happy and reflective students who are starting to see the awesome young people of worth they all are!
– Jackie Agalawatta - Cousellor at He Huarahi Tamariki

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