
Women knowing their worth and living their best lives

Women of Worth is about understanding inherent worth as a basis for positive personal change.

At Women of Worth we provide ways, founded on personal worth, for women in Aotearoa New Zealand to make the changes they desire in their lives. That’s our purpose, why we exist.

We want all women in Aotearoa New Zealand to know their worth and live their best lives. That’s our vision, what we are aiming for.

We help women to understand their inherent worth and to identify their strengths and abilities. We encourage and support them to overcome challenges, and to make positive lasting changes in their lives, for their own benefit and that of their tamariki, whānau and communities. And we do this by providing a range of programmes and services.

That’s our mission, what we do and how we do it.

For more about what we do, go to:

Watch this video for more stories on the positive impact of our programmes.

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